I have been very busy helping my clients get ready for their spring redecorating projects. One of the most recent has been a foyer in a Brookline, MA home. Here was an exciting chance to give this foyer and hallways a contemporary flair, given the fact that all of the woodwork and moldings were painted in a medium gloss white, and the floors are a dark wood stain. This contemporary, damask pattern was chosen because my clients wanted to introduce grey as the accent color.

Given that design task, a brushed silver background was the perfect application for this large space and grand ceiling height!
Next on the list was a powder room, where a hand painted, cork wallcovering, in matte silver with gold flex, made the perfect statement in this small space. A few pieces of art and the room is complete!

One should never be intimidated by wallpapering a large space or a small one, with what I like to call a "sexy wallpaper! "
Happy decorating!